Faded Ash Whiskey Business with Scandal Lover
AmGCH CanCH Scandal Lover De Zelkova CGC X Huntmagic Mademoiselle
Cash is out of my sweet Remi, Huntmagic Mademoiselle. His sire, Eddie, is a remarkable representation of the breed. It comes as no surprise that Eddie has had much success in the US and Canadian show ring. Cash was my pick out of a very special litter. I dreamed of this boy for a long time and could not be prouder of him in many aspects!
Hips: Good (GR-131381G44M-VPI)
Elbows: Normal (GR-EL50974M44-VPI)
Eyes: Normal (GR-EYE21911/44M-VPI)
Heart: Normal (GR-BCA476/44M/C-VPI)
PRA 1: Clear PawPrints 51773
PRA 2: Carrier PawPrints 51773
PRCD-PRA: Clear PawPrints 51773
Ich-GR 1: Carrier PawPrints 51773
Stud service available to approved bitches.